Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Parrots Over Puerto Rico

Written by: Cindy Trumbore

Illustrated by: Susan Roth

          Parrots Over Puerto Rico is an informational picturebook that received the Robert F. Sibert Informational Book Medal.  This picturebook weaves the history of Puerto Rico through various rule and inhabitants (beginning before 5000 BCE and continuing into today) with a discussion of the rare Puerto Rican parrots, and describes the impact of history and people on the lives of the parrots.  The book delves into the detrimental impact that humans have had on Puerto Rican parrot numbers, and offers information on what we can do to help save these beautiful birds.
          Cindy Trumbore incorporates various Spanish phrases (Ex: "Iguaca!") throughout the text to add language fluidity and increase the authenticity of the Puerto Rican setting.  Additionally, there are pronunciation guides present at the bottom of each page that features one of these vocabulary words.  Through the depth of text on each page, and extensive "Afterward" section filled with real photographs of parrots in El Yunque Rain Forest, a detailed historical timeline of Puerto Rico, and commentary on the author and illustrator's visit to Puerto Rico together for research purposes (back flap), there is a lot of support for the authenticity with the amount of research conducted to make this text seem accurate and reliable.
          Susan Roth utilizes a unique illustrative style throughout this entire book through intricate paper and fabric collages, which work to create depth and texture on each page.  The book itself features a unique layout as well, in that the book is read vertically, by opening each two-page spread to depict full-bleed collages in a vertical manner.  By having the book read in this manner, the reader sees the story as humans would see the parrots in the forest, with great distance between them (on the ground) and the parrots flying high above.  Roth pays great attention to color choice within her collages, as she depicts clever images, such as the camouflaged parrots at the start and end of the book.  When paired with the text, "if you look up from the forest, and you are very lucky, you might catch the bright blue flashes of flight feathers," as readers can with their own brief flashed of bright feathers in the illustrations.
          This would make a great book for any students interested in birds, Puerto Rico, habitat studies, or the impact of humans on animals.  The illustrations are very engaging and will draw readers into the story, as well as the search to find the Puerto Rican parrots!

For more information on Puerto Rican parrots: http://www.fws.gov/southeast/prparrot/

Too see an interview with the author and illustrator: https://www.leeandlow.com/books/2835/interviews

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